Product | Experience | Design

Holiday Promotion


Holiday Promotion

This is is Microsoft Stores annual promotion featuring a new discounted product every day. Deals are revealed two days in advance, but there is only one deal “live” at a time. This is designed to bring customers back to the site every day during the event. 144 assets in total.



Homepage hero

Banners directing customers to the 12 Days of Deals landing page were placed throughout the site, here is an example of the homepage hero banner.

This banner is visually reinforcing the omnichannel promotional branding with the campaign logo and boca background.

Promotional banner

Each of these images represent the deal of the day at the top of the landing page.

On the phone banner (top) I worked in campaign branding with the banner background color, and then added campaign imagery to the phone UI.

On the fitbit/headphones bundle (bottom) I composited the products together with the campaign ribbon. This is a nice break from the "product resting on a surface" banners that are more common.



Fitbit Charge

Fitbit Charge

Landing page (left)

To create excitement, this page was laid out like an advent calendar, enticing people to come back for something new every day.

Calendar date states (below)

Sold out/ expired: The image is faded out to show the deal has ended, however customers can still see what deals have passed.

Active: Live deals and upcoming deals are shown in full color. Showing the these allow our customers to get excited.

Hidden: Presents hide upcoming deals.